Saturday, May 15, 2010

montreal x pho bang new york

pho tai gau sach

the chinatown in montreal has a number of pho restaurants next to one another (more than i can say for new york), so we looked for the busiest one. pho bang new york it was. the bowls here are large and noodles ample, though a bit on the thick and starchy side. the broth lacked the depth that one always hopes to find in pho, but i'm optimistic that canada houses an amazing bowl of pho somewhere. i'll just have to come back and keep looking. ;)

pho bang new york, 1001 st laurent, montreal, qc


  1. i miss pho.
    haven't had it in 3 weeks.
    thanks for helping me realize this

  2. you have houston at your disposal. don't take it for granted ! i'm in dallas right now and i've already had two bowls. :)
